Tag: Ravenshore

  • Ghost in the Smell

    This is another prequel to Ravenshore’s Nightmare, set about three years earlier. The novel mentions an incident with detective Bollart and a sewer elemental a couple of times – so here it is! ___ “You’re godsdamn lucky you can’t smell this, Frank,” Kat said to her gun, fighting and coughing to control her gag reflex.…

  • Ravenshore’s Nightmare ebook!

    My first novel, Ravenshore’s Nightmare, is now available as an ebook! Head to my Patreon store to check it out. Kat’s nightmare is trying to kill her. Again. Ravenshore, independent city of black stone and fog-muted reflections of electric streetlamps. Kat manages her living with spirit work and exorcisms. She copes with the ghost in…