
Soon this will be the center of my writing empire. Or at least my writing hobby. If you’re reading this because there’s not much else to read here yet, please be patient, I’m learning how to build and run the site and setting up a work flow. If you’re reading this because you’re looking back through the archives, hello from the past!

Once things are ready (enough) I’m planning:

  • Very short stories once per day, following random prompts I find on the internet – aka dailies. Maybe also following prompts suggested here? We’ll see.
  • Sometimes short stories in the shared world I’ve been working on for years, under the “shorts” category.
  • Novels, aka longs. I’ve written three and haven’t figured out exactly what to do with them yet. More are in the works. We’ll see how that goes.
  • News posts if anything cool happens.
  • Maybe random blog posts? Not sure if and how much I care to do those.
  • Commission and editing services. Hoping to eventually make enough on writing for that to be my real job, but that’ll take a lot of work, so who knows.
  • Maybe some more things I’m not sure I want to talk about publicly yet.

Hopefully this is the start of something pretty cool!





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