Patreon incoming

I am working on setting up a Patreon! Partly to actually do something with my writing rather than have it sit on a hard drive. Partly to force myself into a bit of a structure for regular updates and variety, rather than just working on whatever I feel like working on. And, of course, partly hoping to generate some revenue and regular readership.

Tentatively I’m planning to launch on July 1st – enough time to build out a scheduled content buffer. The plan, which might change, is to split a few things across two or three tiers:

  • Weekly novel chapters. These will eventually be collected into whole novels available in standard ebook formats.
  • Weekly mini stories. These may evolve into bigger things later, if I like the concept and feel there’s more to explore.
  • Monthly shorts – longer standalone stories, possibly series, aiming for 10k words or more.
  • Monthly NSFW shorts – similar format, aiming for around 10k words, more likely to become series. (separate tier for adult content so you can’t see it by accident)
  • Requests/commissions maybe?

Most of this will eventually come to the website, on a delay – shorts will be published here one month after Patreon, and novels here once complete. Patreon gets early access, commenting on novels in progress, maybe some other cool stuff if I think of it.

Plans might change over time, for example if I feel I can ramp up production and maintain quality – in particular, only one adult content update per month feels sparse – but I don’t want to overwhelm myself right from the start when I have a full-time job and multiple ongoing projects.

More news soon!







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