Update season

Been a while since last progress report. Here we go.

I think I said another edit run of my novel trilogy was finished, but in case I didn’t, well, there it is.

I had started an edit of my fantasy Western novel, and thought it was going well, but changed my mind. That stalled for a while, but I have some new thoughts and ideas and tools and I’m ready to go. Part of the problem is that I’ve never really had to do a “real” edit before – almost everything I’ve ever written has only required smallish tweaks, not large-scale structural reworks or reorganization or rewrites. So, that’s been a little tough on me, but the point is to make it good, so I’ll get there.

Meanwhile I’ve also been stalled on finishing the website with graphics and proper organization (such as figuring out how to make both news and resumed dailies easily visible and findable on the page), and launching some additional features like Patreon supporting regular shorts, previews and in-progress work, and commissions/editing services. Hope to have an update on that soon.

Loads of plans, and more time and motivation to work on them starting today with a certain seasonal freedom I have available to me. More on the way.






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